Student Loans

Student loans are loans originated by the government or a private lender to help you pay for college expenses such as tuition, fees, books, and living/educational expenses. Federal loans often offer lower interest rates and more repayment options. Regardless of the type of loan you choose, be sure to understand the terms and conditions.

Federal Direct Loans

Direct Loans are low-interest loans for students and parents to help pay for the cost of a student’s education after high school. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education, but your servicer is the company that handles billing and other services on your federal student loan.

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Federal Direct PLUS Loans

Parents can use Federal Direct PLUS Loans to help pay for school/educational expenses for their dependent undergraduate students or graduate students. You must not have an adverse credit history to apply for a Federal PLUS loan.

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Private Loans (Alternative Student Loans)

A private or alternative student loan is a financing option for higher education that can supplement federal loans. These student loans are credit-based with a variable interest rate.

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