Access My Accounts

desktop items


  1. Go to:
  2. Click on Course Materials &Textbooks in the top ribbon on the main page of the website
  3. Click on Find Course Material 
  4. Enter your courses by choosing the department, course, section
  5. Click on Retrieve Materials

Please Note:  If there are no materials listed, this means the instructor may provide them when the course starts.  Some books you can buy, rent, or you can download the electronic copy.

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on Course Materials &Textbooks in the top ribbon on the main page of the website
  3. Click on Find Course Material 
  4. Enter your courses by choosing the department, course, section
  5. Click on Retrieve Materials

Please Note:  If there are no materials listed, this means the instructor may provide them when the course starts.  Some books you can buy, rent, or you can download the electronic copy.

Access My Courses

MyCourses link, requires login

Login to Access My Courses


Access WebCat

WebCat link, requires login

Login to Access WebCat

Access Email

Outlook Email, requires login.

Access Email